Scouting America
Today's News
T407 Logo
Welcome to our newest troop members!
Kai, Oscar, Pep, Renzo, Ares, Steven, Draco,
Kiran, Hunter, Dean, Rohan, and Andy
All of these scouts were awarded their Arrow of Light in Pack 408 on February 2.
They have joined Troop 407 as the Growling Grizzly Patrol.
Next Troop Meeting
Tuesday 2/4/2025  •  6:30pm - 9:00pm  •  CUCC Basement
Troop meeting: 7:15-8:15
Troop introductions, Best Dressed Patrol
Catalina Highlights, Activity calendar
Patrol meetings: 6:30-7:15 or 8:15-9:00

Next Troop Outing
Sun 2/16 8am - 3pm  •  Bike Ride
30 mile bike ride from Azusa Canyon to Whittier Narrows.
The ride is on the San Gabriel River Trail, which is closed to motor vehicles. We will ride 15 miles, losing 700 feet of elevation, then have lunch at the Whittier Narrows Nature Center. After lunch, we will ride back to Azusa. Lunch will be provided.
Helmet, spare inner-tube and water bottle are required for the ride.
Scout Sunday
Sunday 2/23  •  9:00am - 11:30am  •  CUCC Sanctuary
All scouts are expected to attend to show support and thanks to our sponsoring church.
We will attend the 10am service as a group in full, neat, dress Class A uniform. We will all act as ushers and greeters before the service and some of us will participate as acolytes, readers, musicians, and leading the Children's Celebration. We are hosting the "coffee" after the service so plan to stay until about 11:30.